Sunday, April 26, 2009

On the importance of rooms and roofs

A roof above our heads is what we all want and require. It is a symbol. Of safety. Of stability also to some for when a certain roof is above your head for a lengthy period of time, it becomes something more.

So when it must be replaced by another, it can be more painful for some and less painful for others depending on the level of attachment. A solitary occupant living in a single room for a little over a year finds it not too hard and not too easy if the room hasn't been all it promised to be. Hard because it was the sole solace in the big city. And yet, it could have been so much better.

A new place that has a lot more space can actually be a bit unnerving at times. Because all that space seems so empty. Oh of course there are two beds now when earlier there was only one and there are stools and chairs and all the other things used to fill up spaces but to what end? There is still only one solitary occupant and that will never change.

While being the lone resident between the four walls means having your own space, it definitely is not a bed of roses.


Endless Randomness said...

My dear psycho,

Take it from someone who has been living the solitary big city life for a while now.. It's not all that bad and it gets better every day!


The Psycho Blogger said...

I do not deny it is fun but t can get on your nerves every once in a while too.