Thursday, December 24, 2009

Regarding things physical and abstract

Life doesn't run out of surprises quickly.

A turn of events. Incidents can turn out interesting in more ways than one. No, not just the actual happenings themselves. A lot can happen from a few things, other than the way everything turned out. What is taken away from the episode can matter much, much more than the event itself.

A vacation. A simple holiday. A break from work, intended to release oneself from the rigours and routine. Freedom from the tension of answering a hundred mails daily or from having to worry about your cellphone ringing every other minute. Freedom from staring at a computer screen for the better part of the day. Freedom from nagging colleagues who don't know the first thing about their work. Freedom from superiors always asking for your assignments yesterday. Freedom from having to wake up on time for the bus that insists on observing Murphy's law and therefore always beats you to the office, come hell or high water. Freedom from cold food and machine coffee.

Or just a glimpse of things you are missing out on? Family. Friends. A social life. Someone to receive you at the door. Peace of mind. Not having to worry every second about watching your health because there are people to watch over you if you did fall ill.

How can something that is supposed to be therapeutic turn into something bordering on traumatic?